Wellness |
Many think that health is merely the absence of pain or symptoms. A wellness approach to health means adopting a variety of healthy habits for optimum function on all levels - physical, mental, social, and spiritual.
Because of its focus on the nerve system, chiropractic care can be an important part of a wellness lifestyle. The nerve system controls the function of virtually every aspect of our lives. So, maintaining a properly functioning nerve system is essential if you want to be your very best. Few things as complicated as your body can be ‘fixed’ and then ignored. That’s why we will recommend a schedule of regular chiropractic checkups. Like maintaining your teeth, your car, your family, or your faith, maintaining the integrity of your nerve system requires an ongoing investment. Those who want the very best, add regular chiropractic care to their other health practices. The pleasant result is often more vitality, endurance, and the capacity to enjoy life to its fullest. Good nutrition, exercise, chiropractic care, and other preventive measures are part of a wellness lifestyle. Today, more and more of us are interested in a higher level of health called wellness. Beyond merely feeling better or preventing health problems, we want to fully enjoy life by being at our very best mentally, physically, and socially. True health is only possible with an optimally functioning nerve system. ArticlesTop 10 Anti-Aging Foods
The general guidelines for the anti-aging diet are: keep your calorie consumption and saturated fat intake down; eat plenty of wholegrain, fresh fruits and vegetables; and cut down on salt and sugar. In
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From New Zealand on May 23, 2014, comes the above headline and story in NZDoctor reporting on research conducted at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. The research shows that failure to
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The title above is from a release by the American Chiropractic Association on August 2, 2013, that appeared in several news outlets including the American News. The release, and several associated
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The headline above is from a June 27, 2013, HealthDay article that appeared in the US News and World Report health section of their news website. The article, and several others on this subject, are
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Results of a study published on April 1, 2014, in the scientific periodical, the Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, showed that chiropractic helped pregnant woman suffering with lower back pain. The
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The title above is from a United Kingdom Mail Online article published on Jan. 9, 2014. The story, reported in several news outlets, reports that the actor relied heavily on chiropractic care during the
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